

Ages 15 and up
$150 / 50 min
$200 / 90 min

Most individuals and families see me for one or more of the following:

Family of Origin Trauma
Relationship Difficulties
Codependency and Addiction
LGBTQIA+ Support
Neurodivergence Support
Young Adult Life Transitions
Anxiety and Depression

*Superbills for out of network reimbursement claims are available upon request. Patients are responsible for verifying their OON benefits with their insurance providers.


Early Career Clinicians
Mondays, 5:30-7:00 p.m. PST
90 min / $5-$50
(fee determined collaboratively)

 learn more

Young Adults in Recovery

Tuesday evenings, weekly
90 min / $55
Details forthcoming

Groups are three-dimensional: process oriented, psychodynamic, and recovery focused.

A process group offers experiential learning about ourselves as social beings. Through facilitated, organic interaction with other members, we can receive feedback and gain deeper awareness about how our words and behaviors land in social settings. This may lead to greater self-acceptance and to changes in how we want to show up in relationships.

psychodynamic group is committed to developing the ability to see what may be difficult or painful to see within ourselves and between one another.  We do this because hiding, whether or not we’re aware of it, can take considerable bandwidth. The more we can meet ourselves and each other out in the open beyond our defenses, the more we can dedicate our limited inner resources to the goals and ambitions we value most.

A recovery group assumes that there are wounds we are here to heal and that there is care, connection and common ground available from the members in our midst.  It is a place to break through isolation and shame and understand that we can be a gift to others. Our lived experience can be an important resource to others if we are open to sharing it.